Patrick has been a fan of sock monkeys for a little while now so this year I decided even though he was turning 14 he still needed a "theme" for his birthday. So sock monkey it was. I spent WAAAAAY too much time on that silly cake but it was fun to try to make it look like a sock monkey. He had a few friends over after school to hang out here for a bit and then we went to Cambridge and they saw a movie he had been wanting to see. It was fun celebration - just hard to believe how quickly time flies and that he is already 14.

We did have to have a little fun with him though as Patrick was CERTAIN he was the last living soul on earth that did not have a cell phone so.... after many years of asking he finally got one. Jim had this awesome scheme worked out that I executed and it was definitely entertaining. I wrapped up the cell phone box but put a chocolate cell phone inside. He was so excited when he unwrapped the box but then when he opened it.... he was shocked at what he found. He laughed though and was a great sport about it. I think the quote was something like "that is a SICK JOKE!". Then a few minutes later he opened a large box that was full of legos and found the real phone inside there. We have to do what we can to torture them right????

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