Emma has been waiting patiently the last several years for her birthday to fall on a Saturday and this was her year! She has wanted her birthday "breakfast in bed" on her actual birthday instead of the Saturday closest to her birthday. We were up early making waffles, eggs, cutting strawberries and getting her special breakfast ready. Jack as always, was there standing on his little stool ready to lend a helping hand.

Getting ready to take breakfast up. I surprised Patrick by showing him Emma's first present which was the American Girl "breakfast in bed" set for Kit. He even thought it was sooooo cute.

Emma and Kit eating their same breakfast "together"

Later in the day we took Emma and a couple of her friends roller skating on base. They were really cute and had fun. Her friend Ivey even got second place in the limbo contest. It was impressive!

Jack photo bombing the picture of Emma and her friends.

Once again, the rainbow cake was her birthday cake of choice.

First slice out.... ooooooh, ahhhhh. Always fun to see how cool it looks.
I did the bottom 3 layers but then Jack "helped" me do the top 3 layers so they were not as uniform but I wouldn't trade his help for all the perfect cakes in the world.

rainbow cake for 3rd year in a row now. Still haven't "perfected" it but everyone always enjoys it and that is the most important part - right?
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