It has been a fun filled July and here are a few pic's to show what we have been up to....
We took a quick trip to my sister's house on the CA coast in Point Arena for our now "traditional" 4th of July visit. Her cute little eclectic town has a fun celebration the Saturday after the 4th with street vendors, music and fireworks. This year marked the 100th anniversary of Point Arena so it was a bit more wild and wacky than the past two years. Our friends came along and we camped out in Sarah's yard at the Ranch she lives on. We had lots of laughs and the trip will be long remembered as the one where Jack woke the rooster who in turn woke everyone at 4am, the "transgender" marching band and the never ending parade with skinny-dipper's! As I said - wild and wacky....

Sarah was a bit hit with the kids when she busted out the fresh strawberries!
A few days later we got a short but fun visit with our long time friends the Robinson's as they were driving thru CA down to their home in San Diego. We stayed with them for 5 weeks the summer of '03 when they lived in Spain. I blame them for introducing Emma to dogs as she bonded with their black Lab Stitch while we were there and has been a dog-crazed loon ever since!! We got a quick photo of the kiddo's here - Patrick, Andrew, Emma and Kate (who was just causing her mother morning sickness while we were Spain!)
Emma getting some "QT" with Stitch before they took off. She is standing here next to me as I type and just sighed and said "I looove Stitch"
The kids finally got out of school July 18th. They were excited to be done and both had great years and grades. We are proud of them both! Here they are posing on their last daywith our most wonderful crossing guard Mr. Benny. We all honestly love this guy. He is the best and at 82 he amazes us with his love and dedication to keeping our kids safe as they cross to school each day.

Here is Emma getting ready to race at her swim meet - go girl!!